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Technology in the globalization era once again shows the influence of the enormity of the main factors causing juvenile delinquency. Like knife bemata two, so does the true technology is one of the media to facilitate human life but also the technology had the potential damage if not used wisely. If associated with juvenile delinquency recently, the nature of delinquency tesebut has changed from the time of traditional-based delinquency and skipping school tawuran now evolved into a technology-based juvenile delinquency such as porn videos on mobile students to sites - porn sites scattered in cyberspace and spread throughout the archipelago.
Developing technology so fast and so evolved juvenile delinquency, this raises the question: how come so how? The most important and how to overcome or at least restrict it.
Ordinary delinquency Juvenile termed comes from the Latin juvenilis, which means the children, young people, the characteristic features of youth, the characteristics of adolescence, while delinquent comes from the Latin "delinquere" which means neglected, ignored , which later expanded it means to be wicked, naughty, anti-social, criminal, lice and so on.
Juvenile delinquency or juvenile delinquency is a bad behavior or misbehavior of young children, is a symptom of illness (pathological) socially in children and adolescents are caused by a form of social neglect, so they developed a form of deviant behavior. The term refers to the delinquency of a wide range, from the behavior unacceptable social community.
From this it can be concluded that the tendency of juvenile delinquency is the tendency of adolescents to perform actions that violate the rules may result in loss and damage both to themselves and others who do teenagers under the age of 17 years.
Factors that affect juvenile delinquency
An online survey conducted by one of the teenage magazine in cooperation with an agency who campaigned to prevent early pregnancy in adolescents, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in the United States. Thus quoted detikhot, Wednesday (10/12/2008). A total of 1280 adolescents and young adults participate in the survey. The result is surprising. From the survey revealed that as many as 11 percent of people aged 13-16 years admitted to having a half-naked pictures taken with cell phone, and publish photographs through his personal blog or website.
On the other hand about 30 percent of adolescent boys and survey participants 24 percent of teenage girls to the survey participants admitted that the pictures were only for their personal collections only. Not only teenagers who dared to be exciting, survey participants from among young adults aged 20-26 years also claimed they never posed sexy. As many as 36 percent of young adult women and 31 percent of the young man even confessed to share and publish these photographs at the close.
Even more worrisome, 38 percent of teens who joined the survey deliberately exchanging personal pictures with her partner in order to make them smooth out. As many as 29 percent of them also consider exchanging personal image that is needed to date. They also claim to be more aggressive and bold because of the technology.
Unconsciously variety of modern technologies such as mobile phones, digital cameras, television or the Internet to save time bomb that sooner or later will mendegradasikan morals of our young people into the valley of error. There are several factors leading to juvenile delinquency (especially in school) the more massive of the day to day. So what of those factors? At least there are four factors that cause juvenile delinquency. The first factor is the factor pubersitas. Adolescence is a period in which a man owns a very large desire tehadap it - it smelled of sexuality. If they do not get good sex education they will find their own way. The task of educators and parents is to be a facilitator to provide education about healthy sex early on.
The second factor is the factor that parents are too permissive. Whether the causes of excessive affection or the child's intelligence is also lobbying for parents of teenagers causing so easy now mendapatakan goods - high-tech goods that the parents have still lay with his name. Giving pocket money to teenagers simply can not be avoided. However, allowance should be given to the wise because if not it may cause problems such as the child becomes wasteful and do not appreciate the money. With conditions still volatile and the impact of globalization of information and not so heavily filtered properly, the result, of course, abuse and moral decline that occurred.
The fourth factor, we certainly can not forget the role of the community, the community has a role far greater than we imagined against juvenile delinquency. In the society of teenagers socialize with each other. A child will not suddenly become bad when the teenagers, but it becomes bad for some time after formed by lingkunganya, which include family environment, school and community environments, which is where the education is consciously or not they find sadarKetika variety of new technologies in community and not put the technology in place then that will happen is the latest version of bebasis teen kenakaalan latest technology.
The last factor which is the most important factor is religious education in this country are not adequate. Our education system which is said to increase faith and devotion of a utopian because religious education just the allocation of time a bit, although a standard of value for religious instruction and high PPKN anyway good values tumbled, didongkrak for the students not labeled are not religious and immoral. So do not be surprised if the case - the case of juvenile delinquency is very vulnerable place on teenagers. All because of the fortress of faith, piety, and morality of the students is very fragile because of religious education is woefully inadequate.
Of factors - these factors, we can learn that juvenile delinquency can be prevented actually collectively by parents, educators and the community itself. The role of parents and educators and figures - figures in the community must follow the dynamic development of information technology, able to recognize and use it. It is worth trying to better understand the technology used by teens today. For example their mobile technology, friendship site on the internet, and even how to show hidden folders on the phone or computer. Understanding of the psychology of adolescents should also excel at.
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